
Dilutive Fortification

PUBLISHED: Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Redfin (RDFN) is included in our real estate services coverage universe. For companies under coverage, we utilize the firm's proprietary survey data and macro research to inform our short-term and long-term financial projections. Our coverage includes an ongoing assessment of financial results and strategic performance. Our detailed quarterly reports span our perspective of latest results, underlying positives and negatives, detailed financial estimates, an updated financial model and refreshed valuation.

Real Estate Services Redfin

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Redfin: Another Quarter of Puts and Takes, Staying Neutral
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Redfin: Appropriate Maneuvering as Macro Headwinds Persist
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Redfin: Austerity Measures to Combat Macro Headwinds
Monday, November 14, 2022