Housing Summit 2022: The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-Being and Success

Housing Summit 2022: The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-Being and Success

Hosted by Ivy Zelman

Mon, September 19, 2022

Marc A. Brackett, Ph.D - Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
The mental well-being of children and adults is shockingly poor. Research shows that how we feel influences learning, decision making, relationships, physical and mental health, creativity, leadership, and performance. Our wise use of emotion is especially important. In this keynote Dr. Brackett will (1) describe recent large-scale studies on the power of emotions, (2) share his Center’s evidence-based “RULER” model of emotional intelligence, (3) teach participants strategies and tools to cultivate the skills of emotional intelligence to enhance their personal and professional success.

Tagged In: Housing Summit