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Wealthion Part 1: Up or Down? Here's Where Home Prices Are Headed From Here

Tue, November 09, 2021

Ivy joins Adam Taggart on his webcast to provide an insightful discussion on the housing market, hedge funds investing in real estate and renters.

Down The Middle: Dennis McGill Strips Away the Demographic Delusion Threatening U.S. Housing

Thu, October 21, 2021

Dennis joins economist, Danielle DiMartino Booth, to discuss our thematic report, Cradle to Grave, and the demographic delusion threatening U.S. Housing.

Walker Webcast: Ivy Zelman and Dennis McGill Challenge the Housing Market Orthodoxy

Wed, October 20, 2021

Ivy and Dennis joined Willy Walker on his weekly webcast to discuss why they are bearish on the housing market, the areas they'd invest in, Ivy's memoir, and more.

September Homebuilding Survey & 3Q21 Earnings Preview

Fri, October 15, 2021

Alan Ratner discusses the results of our September 2021 Homebuilding Survey and provides thoughts on the group heading into earnings season.

CNBC The Closing Bell with Sara Eisen

Fri, October 15, 2021

Ivy joined the Closing Bell to talk about her book, the housing market and where she sees it going from here. “We believe we’re already actually overbuilding in single family [homes],” Ivy told Sara Eisen.

CNBC Power Lunch

Thu, October 07, 2021

Dennis McGill, Zelman and Associates director of research, joins ‘Power Lunch’ to explain why he says the long-term demand for housing will fall. CNBC’s Diana Olick also joins the conversation.

CNBC Fast Money with Melissa Lee

Thu, September 30, 2021

"Fast Money" host Melissa Lee interviews Ivy about the launch of her book as well as rising mortgage rates' effect on the housing market.

CNBC Mad Money with Jim Cramer

Fri, September 24, 2021

Jim Cramer interviews Ivy on his show to discuss her new memoir - Gimme Shelter - and get her pulse on the housing market.

Housing Summit 2021: Fed Up: The Latest Developments with the Fed

Mon, September 20, 2021

Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO & Chief Strategist at Quill Intelligence
Never has Federal Reserve policy so distorted the housing market and broader economy. There are few options as the Fed is forced to begin tapering due to distortions being introduced into market functionality via QE, a repeat of history harkening back to the Bernake taper. There are critical differences, especially the added element of unprecedented fiscal policy. Where and how might this failed policies end will be the focal points of this discussion.