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Housing Summit 2021: Zelman State of the Housing Market

Mon, September 20, 2021

A thematic opening presentation targeted at some of the most controversial dynamics facing the housing market. Like prior years, Ivy and Dennis will rely on proprietary data and unique analyses to sift through the most pressing debates, leaving conference attendees with dependable opinions and reliable conclusions.

Housing Summit 2021: Homebuilding Panel

Mon, September 20, 2021

Phillippe Lord, EVP & CEO, Meritage Homes
Bert Selva, President & CEO, Shea Homes
David Weekley, Chairman, David Weekley Homes
Doug Yearley, Chairman & CEO, Toll Brothers

Cradle to Grave: Let's Face It, We Have a People Problem

Thu, August 26, 2021

Ivy Zelman and Dennis McGill discuss the key conclusions of our thematic macro report, Cradle to Grave: Let’s Face It, We Have a People Problem.

We believe that this research report will rank among the most insightful of Ivy and Dennis' careers and are excited to share our analysis with you. 

Walker Webcast: What's Happening with Housing?

Wed, June 23, 2021

Ivy joins Willy Walker on his weekly webcast to share her insights into trends impacting homebuilding and building operations, including inflation, the eviction moratoriums, homebuilding supply chains, and more.

Walker Webcast: Will the US Housing Market Boom Continue Through 2021?

Wed, March 03, 2021

Willy Walker interviews CNBC's Real Estate Correspondent, Diana Olick, and Zelman & Associates CEO and Co-Founder, Ivy Zelman, to discuss the housing boom and their analysis on single-family housing, multi-family, built-for-rent (BFR), and single-family rental (SFR).

Housing Summit 2020: Zelman State of the Housing Market

Mon, September 21, 2020

A thematic opening presentation targeted at some of the most controversial dynamics facing the housing market. Like prior years, Ivy and Dennis will rely on proprietary data and unique analyses to sift through the most pressing debates, leaving conference attendees with dependable opinions and reliable conclusions.

Walker Webcast: Where Are the Single-Family and Multi-Family Markets Headed?

Wed, August 26, 2020

Ivy joins Willy Walker on his weekly webcast to discuss macro single-family and multi-family housing shifts, sector-specific trends, predictions for the future of housing, and more.

About Zelman & Associates

Wed, April 01, 2020

Learn more about Zelman & Associates from Ivy Zelman, CEO, and Dennis McGill, Director of Research, and hear how our research and services are relied upon by industry executives and investors.