Posts from June 2019

As Young Adult Population Growth Slows, Which States are Relative Winners?

June 28, 2019 by Zelman & Associates

As detailed last December, national population growth for the year ended July 2018 was just 0.62%, modestly softer than 0.64% in the previous year and the weakest annual expansion since 1945. Contrary ...

A Fair Premium for New Homes Versus Existing Stock a Complicated Topic

June 14, 2019 by Zelman & Associates

Earlier this week, Redfin, the technology-enabled real estate brokerage, published a study on the valuation premium associated with a garage versus a similar property without one. Across its national analysis, the average premium realized for ...

Will Housing Demand Fall Off a Cliff as the Baby Boomers Age?

June 14, 2019 by Zelman & Associates

The Baby Boomers are commonly accepted as the generation that was born from 1946-64. For that 19-year period, there were 75.8 million births in the United States, which was an astounding 53% greater than the preceding 19 years – hence the generation’s ...

Zelman Beige Book Index Provides Some Comfort Around Recessionary Fears

June 14, 2019 by Zelman & Associates

Eight times a year, the Federal Reserve publishes its Beige Book, a qualitative assessment of economic conditions around the country based on conversations with business executives. Incorporating publications dating back to 1970, we have constructed ...

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macro housing